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《The UN-The Power of Words》Work for Peace PPT课件


《The UN-The Power of Words》Work for Peace PPT课件 详细介绍:

《The UN-The Power of Words》Work for Peace PPT课件《The UN-The Power of Words》Work for Peace PPT课件《The UN-The Power of Words》Work for Peace PPT课件

《The UN-The Power of Words》Work for Peace PPT课件

第一部分内容:Lead in:

Words or war ---which doyou think is more powerful ?

Do youknow there is an international orgarnization which tries to prevent war? 

What is its name ?

How many  secretary-Generals have ever worked for the UN? 

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The UN-The Power of WordsPPT,第二部分内容:Presentation:

suffer  v.   受苦、苦难 

headquarters  n.   总部

security    n. 安全、保证

permanent  adj 永久的

situation  n.   状况 、形势

satisfy  v. 使满足;使满意

forever  adv   .  永远

Task:Complete the words

Task:Complete the words

1.I  _______(受苦) from the bad cold last month.

2.What I did these days ___________ (使满意) my teacher.

3.Nancy closed the windows__________ (为了) keep the room warm.

4.Everyone went to the zoo__________  (除了) Wei Ming last Tuesday.

5.The two opposing__________ (军队) faced each other across the battlefield.

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The UN-The Power of WordsPPT,第三部分内容:Language points

1.In the early twentieth century, people suffered through many wars.

suffer 意为“受痛苦;受苦难”。表示“受……的苦”时通常用suffer from.

The sick people is still suffering.

They suffered from a serious flood last moth.

through 意为“在整个……期间;从头至尾”。 

He studied his work through the night.

2.Problem 指客观的、等待解决的问题或难题,着重“困难”,常与solve搭配。

We face the big problem of water supply.

Question 是对某事物表示怀疑因而提出讨论,等待回答的问题,常与ask和answer搭配。

I have some questions to ask.

3.Instead of 意为“代替;而不是……”。后面常接名词、形容词、副词、代词、介词短语、ving或从句充当宾语。

We’ll ask Tom instead of Mary.

We go for a walk instead of watching TV every day.

Instead 为副词,意为“代替;替代:。常位于句末,位于句首时常用逗号与后面隔开。

If you have no cream , use milk instead.

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The UN-The Power of WordsPPT,第四部分内容:Exercises


1.They made the final ______(decide ) at the end of the meeting.

2.Everyone wants a ________(peace) environment.

3.He looked at his son _________(angry) and said nothing.

4.The policeman caught two __________(thief) at the shop.

5.Danny can’t bear this kind of ______(suffer)and decides to leave there.

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