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《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT课件


《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT课件《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT课件《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT课件

《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT课件

第一部分内容:Think About It

1. What will you miss most about junior high school?

2. What would you like to say to your best friend when you graduate?

... ... ...

Best WishesPPT,第二部分内容:Objectives

1. To learn what the students say to their best friends

2. To learn some useful words, phrases      and expressions 

● wallet   row   owner   senior 

● junior high (school) senior high(school)

● stay/keep in touch 

● best of luck/good luck with...

● Be sure to always stay in touch!

... ... ...

Best WishesPPT,第三部分内容:Listening

Listen to the text and then answer these questions.

1. What will Steven never forget?

He’ll never forget Danny’s Desk-Cycle.

2. What does Jenny believe her and her classmates will always have?

They will have great memories of their time together.

Detailed Reading:

Read the lesson again and write true(T) or false(F).

1.Steven will never forget Danny’s Desk- Cycle.(    )

2.It won’t be easy to remember all Brian’s friends in Cannada. (   )

3.Danny is going to junior high school.(    )

4.Jenny will always have great memories of their time together.(     )

5.Kim is confident that they’ll all do very well .(    )

... ... ...

Best WishesPPT,第四部分内容:Language points 

1. Good luck with your inventions in the future.

good luck with.../the best of luck.用于表示祝愿.     

eg: Good luck with your study!

good luck to sb  表示“祝愿某人……”       

eg: Good luck to you

in the future      在将来(的某时间)

in future (= from now on)  从今往后


My dream will come true in the future.


I am going to become a scientist, so I must study hard in future.

2. Be sure to always stay in touch.

be sure  to  一定要,务必

be sure(that)+句子

be sure and+原形动词


Be sure to come on time.

= Be sure(that) you come on time.

= Be sure and come on time.

stay in touch   联系,接触

stay/keep/be in touch (with sb.)(与某人)保持联系

be/get in touch (with sb.)  (与某人)取得联系

lose/out of touch (with sb.) (与某人)失去(不)联系 


We must keep/stay in touch with our parents.


I’ll be in touch with you as soon as I get there.


Did she lose touch with her friend?

... ... ...

Best WishesPPT,第五部分内容:Practice


1.—I'm going to enter an English speaking competition tomorrow.

— _________! (中考•广安)

A.Good luck          B.Have a nice trip 

C.No problem       D.Congratulations

2.Lily is only five years old,     she can swim very well.(中考•邵阳)

A.Though; but    B.Because; so

C.Though; /        D. but; although

3. We have to say goodbye; __ __ time flies!  (中考•常德)

A.what    B.how   C.what a   D.  How a 

Ⅱ. 翻译下列句子:


It is sure to rain.


I hope I’ll be a doctor in the future.


You should get rid of the bad habit in future.

4. 他们通过发送电子邮件保持联系。

They stay in touch with each other by sending emails.

... ... ...

Best WishesPPT,第六部分内容:Summary:       

1. Four words and two phrases

wallet,owner,row, senior

junior high school,   senior high school

2. How to write graduation messages in English.

... ... ...

Best WishesPPT,第七部分内容:Homework:

1. Recite the new words and phrases by heart after class. 

2. Design a  graduation  card  by  yourselves.

3.Write a graduation message in English.

关键词:冀教版九年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Best WishesPPT下载,Get ready for the futurePPT下载,.PPT格式;

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