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《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》A famous story PPT课件


《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》A famous story PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》A famous story PPT课件《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》A famous story PPT课件

《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》A famous story PPT课件

Words and expressions



Read the words and expressions loudly.

Words and expressions

fall   v.  下落;跌落

follow   v.    跟随;紧跟

hole   n.   洞;孔;穴

rabbit   n.   兔;家兔

ssh    int.  嘘(示意某人不要说话)

ground   n.  地面

tea party      茶会

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1. To listen for specific information

2. To learn some key words and useful expressions

3. To understand the description of past continuous actions

4. To talk about past on-going actions


fall, follow, hole, ground


by the river   in the tree

smile at    arrive at


1. One day, Alice was sitting with her sister by the river…

2. Why was it running?

3. It’s about…

... ... ...

Listen and read. Now complete the notes.

1.Alice was ______ with her _____ by the river.

2.The white rabbit with a ______ ran fast.

3.The Mad Hatter, the March Hare and a mouse were having a ____ party.

4.The Queen of Hearts was _______ a strange game.

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

fall     hole    smile    strange    watch

1. Something is _______ if it is not usual.

2. You _____ when you are happy.

3. You can wear a ______. It tells you the time.

4. A rabbit ____ is a place where rabbits live.

5. You ____ when you move down quickly to the ground.

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Pronunciation and speaking

Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.

1. –The Cheshire Cat was sitting on the grass.

–No, it wasn’t. It was sitting in a tree.

2. –The white rabbit was looking at its watch.

–Yes, it was.

Work in pairs. Do an interview.

Student A: You are a school newspaper reporter. You are interviewing a school basketball star about what he did yesterday.

Student B: You are a star in your school basketball team. A school newspaper reporter is interviewing you.

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1. My sister keeps a little _____ (兔子) as a pet (宠物).

2. There is a ____ (洞) in my coat. Can you help me mend (缝补) it?

3. ________ (突然) Peter rushed out of the room and ran to the garden.

4. We had a good time at Jim’s birthday

p____ yesterday.

5. The man f___ down from the horse and broke his arm.


1. Look at the book. It’s about a boy ____ (call) Harry Potter.

2. — ____ she ______ (sit) near the windows?

— No, she wasn’t.

3. The boys ____ not ______ (play) football at that time yesterday. They___ ______ (clean) the classroom.

4. The students ____ _______ (read) books when the teacher came into the classroom.

5. My little cat washed __ (it) face and then drank some milk.


1.The children are playing __ the garden happily.

2. We were playing basketball __ 3pm yesterday.

3. Mr Zhang enjoys drawing pictures __ the river when he is free.

4. A boy ran ____ me and looked back at me.

5. Next weekend we are going to have a picnic ____ some foreign friends.

... ... ...


Write a short passage to introduce the main characters of the story.


1. To preview the reading material She was thinking about her cat

2. To practise the vocabulary of next unit

关键词:《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》教学课件,外研版八年级上册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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