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《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》A famous story PPT课件2


《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》A famous story PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》A famous story PPT课件2《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》A famous story PPT课件2《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》A famous story PPT课件2

《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》A famous story PPT课件2

1.Do you enjoy hearing stories?

2.What famous stories have you read ? 

3.Can you share them with others?

Words and expressions

/fɔ:l /  下落;跌下 v.  fall(fell/fel/)

/'fɒləʊ/  跟随,跟紧  v. follow

/həʊl /  洞,穴 n.  hole

/'ræbIt/  兔子  n.  rabbit

/graʊnd / 地面 n. ground

... ... ...

Listening and vocabulary

1.Listen and number the words as you hear them.

fall       follow     hole  

rabbit   strange

2 Listen again and number the pictures.

Sees the Cheshire Cat

Has a tea party at the March Hare’s house

Follows a white rabbit

3 Listen and read .

Tony: Hi, Lingling!

Lingling: Ssh! I’m reading.

Tony: Sorry! What’s the book about?

Lingling: It’s about a girl called Alice. One day, Alice was sitting with her sister by the river and she saw a white rabbit with a watch. It ran past.

Tony: Why was it running?

... ... ...

Now complete the notes. 

1 Alice was ______ with her________  by the river.

2 The white rabbit with a  ______ ran past.

3 The Mad Hatter, the March Hare and a mouse were having a _____ party.

4 The Queen of Hearts was ________ a strange game.

Complete the sentences with the words in the box .

fall   hole   smile   strange   watch  

1 Something is _______ if it is not usual.

2 You  ______when you are happy.

3 You can wear a______ . It tells you the time.

4 A rabbit ______  is a place where rabbits live.

5 You _______ when you move down quickly to the ground.

... ... ...

Language points

1.It’s about a girl called Alice. 



( 1 )把某人唤作……,某人名叫……

sb. be called sth.

The beautiful girl is called Alice.


call sb. sth.

My name is Virginia, but my friends call me Ginny.我的名字叫弗吉尼娅,但我的朋友都叫我金妮。

... ... ...

2. Alice was sitting with her sister by the river……


(1) was sitting 

过去进行时,表示当时正坐在……,过去进行时常常出现在讲   故事的语境中,如课文中的:

It was sitting in a tree and  smiling at everyone.

They were having a tea party in the garden.

(2) by the river 在河边

by 在……旁边,如:

She stood by the window.她站在窗户旁边。

Jane went and sat by Tom. 


... ... ...

3. It ran past.它从旁边跑过去了。

run past  


Does this bus run past the park? 



I want to run the secret past you and see how you will react.


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Grammar Focus



— What were you doing at 7 am yesterday?


— I was having breakfast.



at this time yesterday, then, at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon, 

a moment ago ,all last night, 

on last Sunday, during the day, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., on my way to school, this time last year


was/were +doing(动词现在分词)

My mother was cleaning the house at 8 o’clock yesterday morning.

They were singing songs during the day.

She was playing the guitar from 12 a.m. to 4 p.m. last Saturday.

... ... ...



1. My family ________ (watch) TV at 9 yesterday evening.

2. It was 7 o’clock, my father _________  (wash) clothes.

3. I ________ (have) my breakfast at half past six yesterday morning.  

4. Mary ________   (go) over her lessons from six to seven last night. John  and peter _______ (do) the same thing.  

5. What ____  you ______ (do) at that time?   

We ______  (watch) TV.

... ... ...


1. He said he _____ to draw a plane on the blackboard at that time. 

A. tries    B. tried     C. was trying     D. will try  

2. They _____ a football game from 7 to 9 last night. 

A. were watching      B. watch      

C. watched     D. are watching  

3. It was Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Green _____ ready to fly to England. 

A. are getting      B. get    

C. were getting      D. got  

4. We ____ for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us ______.  

A. were waiting, waiting      B. were waiting, wait 

C. waited, waiting     D. waited, wait    

5. He ____ his father on the farm the whole afternoon last Saturday. 

A. helps       B. would help        

C. was helping     D. is helping

6. Look out! The pole is going to_______. 

A.  fall behind     B. fall down

C.  fall out      D. fall on

... ... ...


Discuss with your classmates about your favorite story and try to know more about the details of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Watching the movie.

关键词:《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》教学课件,外研版八年级上册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Alice was sitting with her sister by the river》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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