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《Different Manners》Culture Shapes Us PPT


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《Different Manners》Culture Shapes Us PPT《Different Manners》Culture Shapes Us PPT《Different Manners》Culture Shapes Us PPT

《Different Manners》Culture Shapes Us PPT

第一部分内容:New Words

manners   n.礼仪;习俗;礼貌

though    conj.虽然;尽管;即使;然而

modest   adj.谦虚的;谦恭的

virtue   n.美德

praise   v.&n.称赞;赞扬

private   adj.私人的;私有的

elderly   adj.上了年纪的;较老的

guest   n.客人

extra    adj.额外的;另外的

waiter    n.(餐馆的)男服务员

tip       v.给小费

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Different MannersPPT,第二部分内容:Main phrase:

·take turns

Main sentences:

·In your opinion,what are good manners?

·Joe is an English name that sounds like Zhou.

·This is probably because North American manners and Chinese manners are so different.

·If someone praises you and says that your English is excellent,you should be modest and say,“No,no.My English is still poor.”

·In both China and North America,it is polite to offer an elderly person a seat on the bus.

·When Chinese people eat out in restaurants,they may take turns paying for the meal.

·In China,people seldom give extra money to waiters,waitresses,taxi drivers or hotel workers.

·It is called “tipping”.

·I think understanding cultural differences really helps us to understand each other,live together and work together.

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Different MannersPPT,第三部分内容:教材解读

1.In your opinion,what are good manners?

in one’s opinion意为“在某人看来,依照某人的看法”。

2.Joe is an English name that sounds like Zhou.

sound like意为“听起来像”,sound可用作系动词,后跟形容词,表示“听起来……”。sound后还可跟as if引导的从句。

3.This is probably because North American manners and Chinese manners are so different.

◆句中的because North American manners and Chinese manners are so different为表语从句,用在系动词be后作表语,要使用陈述语序。


4.If someone praises you and says that your English is excellent,you should be modest and say,“No,no.My English is still poor.”

praise为动词,意为“表扬,称赞,赞美”, praise…for


5.In Canada,people only ask children about their age.







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Different MannersPPT,第四部分内容:课堂练习

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases in the box.

pay for praise take turns modest private

1.We should_________little Debbie for her courage. 

2.It’s a long way.We can_________driving. 

3.They asked him to_________the damage,but he refused. 

4.Don’t talk about other people’s_________things. It’s not polite. 

5.Jack is a_________man who is admired by many people. 

Ⅲ.Put the words in the correct order.


Do you know different manners?


Why does he feel embarrassed?


It sounds like a good idea.


Don’t ask an adult’s age.


It’s common to offer an elderly person a seat.


Have you paid for the meal?

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Different MannersPPT,第五部分内容:Homework

1.Finish off the remaining exercises in the activity book.

2.The students are required to read the next text in the student’s book.

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