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《Different Manners》Culture Shapes Us PPT课件


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《Different Manners》Culture Shapes Us PPT课件《Different Manners》Culture Shapes Us PPT课件《Different Manners》Culture Shapes Us PPT课件

《Different Manners》Culture Shapes Us PPT课件


1. To learn about different manners in different countries.

2. To learn to use “though”and“although” in adverbial clause.

3. To know about different manners and try to be polite.

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Different MannersPPT,第二部分内容:Warming up

In your opinion, what are good manners?


Listen to the first two paragraphs and answer the questions:

1. How long has Wu Zhou lived in Canada?

2. Why doesn’t he feel Canadian?

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Different MannersPPT,第三部分内容:Language points

1. If someone praises you and says that…

praise sb. for sth.  因...... 赞扬某人

The teacher praised him for cleaning the room.

2. When Chinese people eat out in restaurant, they may take turns paying for the meal.

1. take turns doing sth. 轮流做某事

It ’s one’s turn to do sth. 意为轮到某人做某事

2. pay for sth. 付……的钱

Read the sentences again and pay attention to the underline words.

①Though Wu Zhou has lived in Canada for 23 years, he still doesn’t feel Canadian.

②Although Canadian culture is different from Chinese culture, he has many good friends in Canada.

③In China if someone praises you, you should be modest, but in Canada you should just say “Thanks”.

though 意为“虽然,尽管”,为从属连词,相当于although,用来引导让步状语是,可放在主句前或之后。


Though/ although不能和but连用,但可以用yet 或 still 表“然而、可是”之意。

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Different MannersPPT,第四部分内容:Discussion

Work in groups. Talk about other manners you know in different countries. 

First write down what you know on the paper, then share them with other groups.

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Different MannersPPT,第五部分内容:Homework

1. Make a project about different manners in one of the countries you’d like to travel to.

2. Give us a report about it next time!

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